2022 CAMRA BC AGM and Call for Nominations

Dear CAMRA BC Members,

On behalf of the current interim executive of the Campaign for Real Ale Society of British Columbia (CAMRA BC), I am pleased to provide you with the details for the upcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM) and election of the executive for CAMRA BC for 2022.


This email is official notice to all members in good standing of the Campaign for Real Ale Society of British Columbia’s Annual General Meeting for 2022, to be held on Tuesday, March 15, 2022, at 1930 (7:30 pm) Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), on Zoom: Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us06web.zoom.us/j/89374379357?pwd=KzlTdkdzb2ZqTjdRbERnTlJ2OFJrUT09

Meeting ID: 893 7437 9357
Passcode: 684595

All CAMRA BC members “in good standing” only (unexpired membership as of March 15, 2022) are welcome to attend the AGM.  

Call for Nominations

This is the official call for nominations for the CAMRA BC Executive for 2022. The following positions for the CAMRA BC board are open for nominations, for two (2) year terms:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Membership Director
  • Communications Director (CAMRA BC website management)

The last two positions have been added because we propose to organize membership registration at the BC level and to move to only have a CAMRA BC website with specific pages for all regions for more efficiency and to relieve the regional committees, so that they can focus on regional event planning, local bank account management and communications.

The Membership Director will take on the (one time) task of combining the 3 registration systems into one and going forward process all membership renewals and new registrations, record the membership information, create and send out membership cards, send reminders to (soon to be) expired members and create membership reports for meetings.

The Communications Director will take on basic maintenance and management of the CAMRA BC website, update content, add and remove temporary features (like event sign up pages) and update plugins.
Further information about the responsibilities and duties of the other 4 positions can be found in Part 8 of the society’s bylaws on the website (https://www.camrabc.ca/boring-bylaws/).

Regular board meetings are held a minimum of four times a year. 

Nominations are open as of February 15, 2022, and will close at 11:59 pm PDT on March 8, 2022. Nominations must be submitted via email to secretary@camrabc.ca. Nominations submitted after the cut-off date will not be considered or accepted.

To nominate someone, both you and the person being nominated must be current CAMRA BC members in good standing. The person being nominated must also agree to being nominated for that position. You may nominate yourself for a position.

Names of nominees for each position will be communicated as soon as possible after the close of the nomination period.

If there is only one nomination for a position, the person will be acclaimed and declared elected at the AGM.


Each member in good standing is entitled to one vote per membership number. Additional votes attached to/using the same membership will not be counted.

If there is more than one nomination for a position, it will be necessary to conduct a vote to determine the outcome. Votes, by way of email, will be accepted between March 9, 2022, 0900 PDT and March 13, 2022, 11:59 pm PDT.

To vote, your email must include your name, address, and CAMRA BC branch affiliation. The vote must be sent using the same email address attached to the membership at your branch for communication with you (i.e. the email address where you are receiving this email). Votes must be submitted to secretary@camrabc.ca during the voting period set out above; votes received after the 11:59 pm cut-off on March 13 will not be considered or counted.

Voting at the AGM will be done by a show of hands, for those members in attendance at the meeting. After the email voting period has concluded, the Nominations Chair will tally the votes and include the results in the counting of in-person votes during the AGM. You cannot vote both via email and in person.

If you have any questions regarding the CAMRA BC AGM, please do not hesitate to reach out to myself or the other members of the CAMRA BC board.

Cayla Stiles-Clark – Interim President
Kim Lawton – Interim Vice-President
Greg Garner – Interim Treasurer
Renske van der Linden – Interim Secretary


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